As a parent, hearing your child has Asperger’s can be a very scary ordeal. While you may be relieved to finally have a diagnosis, the fear of the unknown can be quite overwhelming.

What is Asperger’s Syndrome?

Asperger’s Syndrome is a certain type of autism. Autism affects how the suffer communicates, socializes and understands speech. Children who suffer from Asperger’s are usually thought of as being more on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum. Many are surprised to learn, boys have an almost 60-75% higher chance to have Asperger’s than girls. This seems to only be increasing, but that could be because today milder cases are being diagnosed at a more frequent rate than ever before. While Asperger’s Syndrome is technically no longer thought to be a standalone diagnosis, many medical professionals and parents still refer to it as if it were.

The onset of Asperger’s is usually later for what is considered typical in autism, as reported by the Asperger Syndrome Coalition of the United States. This is why it tends to be recognized later. Most kids aren’t diagnosed until after they are 3 years old, with the majority receiving a diagnosis when they are between 5 and 9 years of age.

Asperger’s Syndrome is identified by odd speech patterns, abnormal obsessions, poor social interactions, lack of facial expressions, and other distinctive mannerisms. Most times, children who suffer from Asperger’s have trouble understanding body language. They will often partake in repetitive, obsessive routines while displaying abnormal responses to sensory stimuli. They may react to noises by covering their ears or bothered by bright lights.

For the most part, children and teenagers with Asperger’s Syndrome can function in day-to-day situations, but can sometimes be socially ackward, relating better to grown-ups than people their own age, and unjustly deemed by others to be odd or eccentric.

Some other identifiers of Asperger’s may include delayed motor skills, clumsiness, lack of interest in their surroundings, and peculiar distractions. Adults afflicted with Asperger’s Syndrome continue to struggle with social situations and have a lack of empathy for their peers.


What Causes Asperger’s Syndrome?

Considering that Asperger’s Syndrome falls under the category of an autistic disorder, then one could expect the causes of Asperger’s to be identical to the causes of autism. The exact causes of autistic disorders have yet to be identified. It is widely believed an inherited genetic link could be involved. This is due to the fact that Asperger’s has been known to run in families. It is also believed that in certain cases, autistic disorders could result from exposure to toxins, issues during pregnancy or childbirth, and prenatal illnesses.

Some scientists and doctors have suggested a link may lie with vaccine exposure, most commonly referring to the measles vaccine and specific types of preservatives used in some vaccines tied to autism. However, there has been no real proof of any association between autism and immunizations, causing most professionals to debunk this theory.


How Can Dr. Farley Help Asperger’s Patients?

One thing we can all agree on is that there are numerous theories floating around on why all these issues have been continually afflicting our children in a wide capacity over the past 20 years. Dr. Farley has studied the vaccine idea, the toxicity idea, the genetic idea, the birth trauma idea and the idiopathic idea. After much thought and consideration being put into these “IDEAS”, Dr. James Farley has come to the conclusion that they all have some degree of credibility, but not one idea that can provide answers for you and your child.

What must happen is to find the root causes. Once these hidden root functional causes are discovered, Dr. Farley will come up with a plan to effectively correct, reduce and eliminate them. After working with Dr. Farley over a certain amount of time, you will then begin to see the results you didn’t think were possible. Request your FREE report today and see how you can get started on the road to healABILITY for your loved one. There is so much more to dealing with Asperger’s Syndrome than just special classes, special schools, medications or removing processed foods. Get this report it can change your day, your life and maybe even your child. Call now to request your FREE report or leave your name and address and it will be mailed to you in 1-3 days.