Hi, this is Dr. Farley. I’m making this video on Parkinson’s and healABILITY. The reason why I’m making this video is because this has become a major, major, major problem in society. We’re now seeing people diagnosed in their 30s and 40s with Parkinson’s or Parkinsonism, and we need to look at why we’re getting this. A lot of people want to look at the idea of genetics and the reality is that only 5% of all disease, including Parkinson’s, is truly genetic. We also know that some of the early warning signs of Parkinson’s, tremor when resting or relaxing in the fingers, thumb, hand, chin or lip, twitching of a limb, these little tremors start to take place. I just had a young girl in my office here who’s in her 20s and we just started to treat her, not for Parkinson’s, for other things, but just said to me, “Hey, all those little tremors I had went away.” And I said, “Hey, that’s a good thing because that’s a sign of some neurodegeneration that might be diagnosed 30 or 40 years from now as Parkinson’s.”

Small handwriting, letters are small and crowded together, loss of smell, no longer smell certain foods. We test smell here on a regular basis, and you know how many people I found with an abnormality in their sense of smell? Probably 50% of the patients. So this again can be looked at as an early warning sign of Parkinson’s. Trouble sleeping, thrashing around in bed, sudden movements during the day. So, insomnia, not sleeping very well. How many people have issues with sleep? 80% of the people that come into my office. Stiff moving or walking. Sometimes stiffness goes away as the person moves, they have lack of arm swing, stiffness or pain in the hips and the shoulders. If you just watch someone walk and you notice, hey, as they walk, this arm really doesn’t move like the other one, that could again be a sign that that side of the brain is weak and not working well. Constipation. How many people come into my office here with constipation which is a tell-tale sign that the brain is breaking down and that the basal ganglia is weak? Many. So lack of initiation of movement, which is this, which is the Parkinson’s patient and we get diagnosed when we’re 50, 60, 70, 80. You could have had constipation when you were 20, 30 and 40 and if someone pointed out to you that that may be the beginning of neurodegeneration, you could have done something about it. A soft or low voice, expressionless face, dizziness or fainting upon standing, and stooping or hunching over. So, bad posture. So, mom, when you tell your kids, “Stand up. Stand up. Stand up” and then every time you’re not talking, they go back down like this again, is it a sign the brain is breaking down? The answer is, yes. So more than one of those signs raises the suspicion of Parkinson’s or very early Parkinson’s.

Now, traditional treatments include a host of drugs and basically from a neurosurgeon’s report, the Blaylock Wellness Report, he says basically that over a time frame, these drugs don’t work very well and most patients will get worse after two to five years from being on the drugs and it seems to appear to speed deterioration. So you get diagnosed with Parkinson’s, you get on the medication because you think there’s no other answers for you out there, and gradually over a time frame, maybe you do the same or a little bit worse. But over a time frame, what we’re seeing is that you don’t get any better and that usually, it speeds the deterioration. So there’s another way out there, and what we do here in my office is a Neuro-Biomedicine approach which means that we look at this from an overall brain, spinal cord, nerves. What does the brain need to work properly? And then we also over a time frame, look the biomedicine which means looking at the biochemistry, looking at the endocrine system, the immune system, putting it all together to say, “Why is this brain going through this neurodegenerative process?”

Now, I just wanna show you a little diagram here, and if we look at the brain, we can break the brain down like this and over a time frame, we got a couple of different structures here. And these structures right here are all considered to be, here’s your spinal cord. These structures are all considered to be part of your basal ganglia nuclei. And what does that mean? It means that this part of the brain, right in here, is where we see the symptoms start from. So something is breaking that part of the brain down. What we also know is that there’s massive blood supply to two areas in the brain, one area by the basal ganglia and another area by the temporal lobe. And what do we see? Those two areas can get damaged from systemic inflammation that starts in the body and then spills into the brain, and that can be one of the key things that’s causing these neurodegenerative diseases because those areas are highly saturated with blood vessel supply from the body. And there’s actually two pathways that run through the basal ganglia. There’s the direct pathway and then the indirect pathway, and over a time frame, we can see different parts of things start to break down.

Now, what they’re really doing with the medication is they’re just giving a resupply of the L-dopa and assuming that there’s just a lack of L-dopa. But we haven’t asked, “Why are those neurons breaking down? Why is the body not producing L-dopa?” We need to go deeper into looking at this. What you also wanna know is that over a time frame, there’s about seven to ten things that create neurodegeneration. And over a time-frame, the number one thing that the brain requires is something called activation. So we’re gonna call this N1. So lack of activation can cause neurodegeneration. The second thing the brains needs, which we’re gonna call N2, is oxygen. How many of these patients come in that have Parkinson’s disease and multiple other problems, and they have low-grade anemia taking place? A lot. I’d say probably 85% of the people I consult with me have one or two or three types of anemia on either a very high level or low-grade level that has never been diagnosed. And then, N3 is stable blood sugar. Okay? If you don’t have stable blood sugar, then over a time frame, the brain’s not happy because there’s two tissues in your body that don’t use insulin, the brain and the liver. So if we have blood sugar bouncing around all over the place, over a time frame, it really negatively impacts the brain, and that can start to create some of the neurodegeneration that we see.

Some other major areas that we know of with the brain that we’re trying to find, getting at the root functional cause, and that’s really what I do here in my office. We look for the root functional causes, and I’m gonna list them out to specifically, some of the other ones that are very, very common and we need to get at why we have this. So, we talked about lack of activation, we talked about blood sugar. We also have to talk about N4, which is the fourth root functional cause, would be liver detoxification issues. And most of the time, why we have liver detoxification issues? Because the brain is weak, number one, issues with the gut, number two, and issues with our food, number three. And then over a timeframe, we just don’t detox properly. N5 is essential fatty acid imbalance, EFAs. There’s a bunch of different types of essential fatty acids, but there should be a balance between your Omega 6 and your Omega 3s, and most of us are highly, highly, highly deficient in our Omega 3s. If you’re deficient in your Omega 3, your brain can’t work properly. Under that essential fatty acid balance, we’ll also talk about cholesterol. Cholesterol is an essential nutrient. Up to 25% of the total brain is made of cholesterol. So if you’re on cholesterol-lowering drugs, the statins, we need to look into this because this could be also another major factor causing neurodegeneration.

Number N6 is low glutathione and SOD. Glutathione is the number one intracellular antioxidant along with SOD that prevents our neurons from getting oxidated damage and going through a neurodegenerative process. And if you’re low in that, we need to figure out why. And number six, oh, sorry. Number seven, N7 is gastrointestinal problems with or without symptoms. So, let me explain that to you. The immune system is loaded in areas where we’re gonna get things from the outside to come into the inside. So the gut houses up to 85% of our immune system and that over a time frame can create a sustained inflammatory response which then spills to our body and then breaks through our blood brain barrier, and two areas that get hit is where we see Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Those are the two main areas, but other areas can be hit, as well. So the gastrointestinal area, because it houses the immune system, can become a major source of inflammation and then cause neuroinflammation and be a factor in a Parkinson’s patient. The other thing you wanna know is that you could have with or without symptoms. So people come in, “Oh, I don’t have any problem here.” That’s great. We have to measure and look at blood tests to see whether you’re having a gastrointestinal problem or not. You could have no symptoms and still have a major problem, but if you have symptoms, it’s definitely a factor for you.

Number seven. Sorry, number eight is a process called methylation, okay? Methylation, assume this what we would call a methyl group. Water is H2O and a methyl group is a CH3, so assume this is a CH3. We need to have billions of these to be thrown around so that our biochemistry works properly. The number one area that we see that breaks down when we don’t have enough methyl factors and enough methyl groups, methyl donors is we see lack of energy in the whole body and the brain, we see breakdown in premature aging and in our hormonal balance, we see breakdown in the immune system, and it can be a major factor as to why you potentially have systemic inflammation. And number four, we see a major factor breakdown in brain, spinal cord, and nerves. So this is a key component. N9, which is the root cause number nine. N9 is bioelectrical dysfunction smog. Cell phones. If you look at your cell phone insert, we’re definitely seeing that cell phones have a negative impact and Wi-Fi has a negative impact on the brain. These people that are walking around with these headsets in your ear and they just talk on them all day long is a major contributing factor for why we see the brain potentially breaking down.

So in our office here, we look for what we call the root functional causes. We do not treat the medical diagnosis of Parkinson’s. We go much deeper than that. You’re trying to find the root functional cause. So really, you have two choices the way that I see it. You can take the medications and do that route and you may see some improvement for a short time frame, but the research, according to top neurosurgeons, is that there’s not a long-term benefit and it probably speeds and it appears to speed deterioration, or you can view this as a problem that will have multi-root functional causes, try to nail down what are those root functional causes inside of you or your loved one, and then set up a very detailed, personalized Neuro-Biomedicine plan to get results.

So I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, you can contact my office. And if you’d like to set up a free step one consultation to discuss this in detail and see whether your case would qualify, I’d be happy to do that. Not all cases qualify. If the case is too far gone, I would let you know that upfront. There is nothing that we can do help. I hope, again, that this was helpful to you and that you’ll get some information that may move you in the right direction in raising your healABILITY and getting some results that you desperately need. Thanks. Have a good day.