In order to give a clear and comprehensive explanation of how the thyroid interacts with a body’s hormones, this video describes the influence your thyroid has on one’s health and body. A properly functioning thyroid will do things such as help to connect pituitary pathways, assist reproductive hormones and blood sugar control, moderate hormone binding ratios, and maintain proper hypothalamus modulation. As the hypothalamus is the connecting piece of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems, it is critical that the thyroid is functioning correctly to protect all of the hypothalamus’ functions. A healthy hypothalamus and thyroid will result in a healthy hormonal balance, helping to prevent infertility, PCOS, andropause, and potentially certain types of cancer. In order to see if a thyroid is working right, it is critical to perform the proper testing; Dr. Farley provides five to six times the amount of tests a regular doctor would perform. By doing these tests, he can thoroughly check your blood work through calculations to ensure that your body is happy and healthy. To learn more about the impact your thyroid has on your body and hormones, watch this video now and contact the office with any questions.