
Neurons & Required Activation   Master Nerves System Neurons and activation work hand in hand. Neurons is what our nerves system are made up of which send signals to all other sub systems. Neurons [...]

April 20th, 2022|Others, Uncategorized, Videos|

Susan P.

Susan P. Testimonial – Thyroid I found the office through an internet search. I was searching for some kind of different therapy. I don’t remember. I don’t think it was [...]

February 27th, 2022|Thyroid/Hashimotos|

Ewa J.

How did you find our office? (Online, referral, etc.) I found out about the office through online. I was searching for a doctor that specialized in thyroid. I did not [...]

February 25th, 2022|Thyroid/Hashimotos|

