The prevalence of heart disease and stroke remains a significant issue, with over 600,000 people in the U.S. dying from heart disease annually, and the numbers are rising. A recent study by the American Heart Association revealed that more than half of U.S. adults are unaware that heart disease is the leading cause of death, despite holding this position for nearly a century.

The economic burden is staggering, with the cost of heart disease projected to surpass $1 trillion by 2050, and $92 billion expected to be spent on medications alone by 2032. Despite widespread use of cholesterol and blood pressure medications, these treatments have not effectively curbed the rise in cardiovascular disease. At all.

Additionally, the current approach of focusing solely on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, fails to address other significant root causes, which include oxidative stress, sustained inflammation, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, biological stress, and glycocalyx damage. Addressing these underlying issues through a functional approach is essential for improving heart health and reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease. We do this here, at The Neuro Biomedicine Health System.