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healABILITY is the Goal

Do you suffer from
low testosterone and your doctor is telling you
to get hormone treatments?

90% of all patients surveyed since 2015 experience positive results in just 2-4 weeks!
Would you like to know if your cause qualifies? Schedule your FREE consultation and brief analysis directly with Dr. Farley TODAY
As a BONUS, receive one of Dr. Farley’s new eye-opening Ebooks sent directly to you!

Drugs not working, side effects killing you, don’t want to take drugs or worried about the long-term consequences?

CREATING healABILITY for Low Testosterone/ Andropause Treatment

Do you suffer from
low testosterone and your doctor is telling you
to get hormone treatments?

Drugs not working, side effects killing you, don’t want to take drugs or worried about the long-term consequences?

CREATING healABILITY for Low Testosterone/ Andropause Treatment

A Neuro-Biomedicine Functional Restoration Prescription Program

healABILITY: Preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being prevention of disease, and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body.

Dr. James Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS

Allostatic Stress, Neuro-Biomedicine Health System creates healABILITY

Dr. James Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS

90% of all patients surveyed since 2015 experience positive results in just 2-4 weeks!
Would you like to know if your cause qualifies? Schedule your FREE consultation and brief analysis directly with Dr. Farley TODAY
As a BONUS, receive one of Dr. Farley’s new eye-opening Ebooks sent directly to you!
91% of our patients surveyed experience positive results in 2-4 weeks if they qualify.
Find out if you will qualify now, stop suffering, you deserve to feel better!

I’d like to go over some information about about Andropause, and the problems that men start to see with testosterone levels that are out of balance.

Are you losing your mojo??? Everyone believes that as you get older, you’re going to naturally have your hormone levels, (especially the male hormone levels testosterone), beginning to decline at about 30 years old. Then from, there your number’s going to go down, and continuously decline. But then we come in with a magic bullet, the snake oil, which is the hormone replacement. When do we use that with an herb? We use that with a synthetic or what they call a bio identical. Either way, you’re assuming that there’s lack of production. Many times, it may not necessarily be just lack of production, there could be many other complicating factors.

Andropause can show up as many different problems. There are a few things to go over about with the concept of andropause. Some of the symptoms and complications that can be really troublesome to men can include low sex drive, difficulty getting erections or erections that are not as strong as usual, lack of energy, depression, irritability and mood swings, loss of strength and muscle mass, increased body fat and even hot flashes. They can also start to have some issues with some bone density issues. What I see is that I would agree that most men that have no concept on how to take care of themselves are seeing hormone levels declining around 30 years of age. But I would also tell you that if you take care of yourself, this idea that you’re going to get older and your levels are just going to drop, is not true.

I’m personally going to be 52 years old. The lab range that I use to test my hormone levels testosterone, ranges from 350 up to 820. I continually crack in the 700’s to 730’s, to sometimes 750 range. I’m not taking any hormone replacement. I’m approaching this from how does the hormone axis work, and what can I do to keep things working properly. Keep in mind also that when you approach this from giving the body more hormones, you’re actually turning off the normal production of the body to make those hormones. Your system never has a chance to get itself back into balance if you take these synthetic, the bio identical, or even these products that actually push and boost testosterone.

There’s three different models within the hormone field. There’s the conventional hormone replacement model, that’s synthetic hormones. After taking these different things for some time, they may push testosterone levels.

Then there’s what everybody considers to be safer. I see these American Academy of anti aging clinics that are out there touting that everyone’s hormones are going to drop at 30. They make everyone believe that, which is not true. They also come in and say, hey, well instead of giving you these synthetic hormones, we’ll give you a bio identical hormone (that is somehow better than the other). The answer is, it’s not because you’re doing the exact same thing. Both of them are manipulating the system, both of them are not restoring the normal brain hormone axis to allow the system to start to work and regulate on its own. Then there’s the deficiency model, the symptom model, and an anti-aging model. I have to tell you these are very, very dangerous. In my opinion when you mess with the hormones, it’s very, very dangerous. I view hormones as downstream problems, meaning you have to fix other primary issues first. That is what’s driving the hormonal imbalance in men and women. If you’ve seen people that cheat in sports and take these growth hormones and testosterone, and they can actually boost their system up and get faster, and jump higher and put on muscle mass, you see how powerful these chemicals are. The functional model that’s out there is much more in line with looking at what are some of the underlying imbalances that would support the ability of the body to make the hormones, reestablish a feedback, support the hormone biotransformation, support the receptor site response, identifying a underlying cause of a hormonal imbalance and also consider, endocrine disruptors. Then there’s another level above that that the functional neurology doctors look at where they add some brain based stuff.

Then there’s what I’m doing, the Farley Neuro-Biomedicine health system. We’re going really deep into looking at this so that we can reestablish what’s not working well, and go as deep as we can into understanding normal physiology, and getting things to work properly inside the body. Number one, we look at the brain. Number two, we look at supporting the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis because that has a lot to do with all hormonal levels. Number three, we want to support blood sugar because blood sugar can be involved in many different things that can actually throw off all of your hormone levels. It can cause more conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and it can cause more conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, which is the bad testosterone. We don’t want that. Number four, support hepatic biotransformation. It means that these hormones have to shift and change in their structure so that they become the active form.

Number five, we’ve got to look at the gut because the gut plays a major role in everything and your normal microbiota and if you have dysbiosis, that has to be addressed. Number six, looking at your balance essential fatty acids. Almost everyone in the United States has an essential fatty acid imbalance. Essential means, we need to get these from our diet and we’re getting the wrong type, or we’re all pounding fish oil, which may be the wrong type. Either way, we need those essential fatty acids, they have a lot to do with your receptor site, which has a lot to do with the ability of the hormone testosterone in this case to work properly or not. Number seven, cellular voltage, looking at the ability of the Mitochondria to work properly.

If we don’t address the Mitochondria, we can’t possibly get normal hormonal balance because the mitochondria is the energy. It runs the entire metabolic rate and it produces energy of the cell. Without having proper Mitochondria function, your program will fail. What you want to understand is this, endocrinology begins in the brain. The hypothalamus pituitary is what runs all the hormones in the body, and in this case we’re talking about testosterone. If we don’t look at the person’s brain and look at the functioning of the brain, if the brain is working well or not working well, then we can’t possibly expect to get proper hormonal balance. This is a key area that no one even looks at.

We do a super seven examination here, in which we look at seven different areas of the brain and the autonomic nervous system. We have you fill out detailed questionnaires that look at this aspect here. We then run specialized tests to look at to see what do we have going on, and if this is a component that may be involved with why your testosterone levels are not functioning properly. There are three big concepts here. We have to have proper production of the hormones. We have to have proper conversion of the hormones, and we have to have proper clearance in the hormones. If we don’t have that, we will never get good hormonal balance if all we do is look at this as a deficit. Whether we take the synthetic or we take the bio identical, either way you’re doing the exact same thing. You’re going to turn off the brain’s ability to send signals down, in this case to the testicles and the adrenals to produce testosterone. Over a timeframe, the testicles can actually shrink because they’re no longer being used because the brain believes you have enough. It stops sending the signals down to the testicles to actually even produce the hormones of testosterone. The glands then literally begin to shrink.

Our program is very insightful. We look at the seven different areas that are involved with why you may have low testosterone levels. If we need to get involved with running blood work on you, my expanded health panel and health panel run anywhere between 80 and 125 tests. We may also do saliva panels on you, it depends upon what your case requires. But the testing that we run is extremely in depth. We do not just assume that because your blood work shows a low testosterone level that you’re just going to have to jump in there and start with that.

You may have to clean up the mess of some of the upstream problems and then get the downstream to start to work. Over time you can really get this whole system to up regulate and work properly. You can get strong again. You can have better issues with erectile dysfunction, if you have that. A lot of men are carrying all kinds of weight around here, they start to get what I call the man boobs. You see them on the beach and you go, oh my gosh, I can’t believe that poor guy over there. A lot of that is this hormone imbalance and it’s not just about a testosterone deficiency. Many times what’s happening is your testosterone is over converting into estrogen, which is why we start to look like women. Literally, we start to look like women. So it’s almost like a sex change operation and you’re taking the estrogen shots to look like a woman. Some men start to look like that. The reason for that is because over a timeframe, something is driving things to be off.

In that case it could be major blood sugar issues. With blood sugar, often what happens is it up regulates an enzyme called aromatase. Basically, you convert more of your testosterone to estrogen, which makes you look like a woman and act like a woman. All your male characteristics will go down because there’s not enough testosterone. That’s one of the key areas that has to be looked at. Now the question is, if you have blood sugar issues, why do you have that? Every time you open up one can of worms, there’s a deeper and deeper picture to look at. I am an expert in going after which of the gears are off. This is what I call them, the gears. So my model is mainly going after how things work.

The gears is normal physiology, and pathology is all the way at the top. When all we do is a blood test on you and say, oh you have low testosterone levels, we really have no concept at all of what the underlying causes are or what are the mechanisms of action creating that inside of you. It’s really going to bring you down a dead end. As soon as we start taking the hormone replacement, whether it’s synthetic or bio identical, you now have just disrupted the entire mechanism, and you’ll never get it back into shape. I’m not saying that at some point in time someone may not need some hormone replacement. They may need it, maybe. The bottom line is you still need to address the underlying root functional causes. What I’ve seen is, if you address the underlying root functional causes, most of those mechanisms that you can identify through proper testing, you’ll be able to get a proper diagnosis.

With my diagnosis, there maybe 13 problems that I find wrong that are all connected to why the person is having low testosterone levels. We then set up a customized plan specific to that person, to that man, to reestablish their normal functioning. Everything that we do here is based on normal functioning. We really focus on providing superior customer service. We go really in depth, lifting up the hood of the car to see what’s actually going on. We can set up a complete plan if you’re sick and tired of having these signs of andropause, of having low sexual desire, low libido, erectile dysfunction, gaining weight, having depressive issues, having, sadness, no energy, and you’re wondering what happened to your Mojo. We can establish an evaluation to look at what’s going on behind the scenes. We’re experts at restoring the normal physiology.

I’m a real guy. Again, I’m 51 years old. I don’t take any hormone replacement, and my levels are at the top end of testosterone every time I get my testing done. It’s been that way for the last two, three years. I have plenty of other patients also that get very high levels when we look at these in proper testing. This can be done for you, and you can get at what’s going on. If you’re having a testosterone issue, your whole health is off. You should not have extremely low testosterone levels.

Could this turn into a lot more problems down the road because you’re not addressing these underlying causes? Could it also increase your risk of other diseases like neurodegeneration, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, and also increase your risk of other diseases like heart disease, cancer and stroke? Yes. The answer is yes. We have to stop taking these isolated problems and call them. We have to look at the entire picture here. We are experts on identifying through proper testing, proper blood work and proper specialty testing, identifying what are your root functional causes, and then creating a customized plan specific for you to restore proper function and improve your level of healABILITY, and raise how your body works and functions.

Please contact us to discuss your Testosterone case

90% of all patients surveyed since 2015 experience positive results in just 2-4 weeks!
Would you like to know if your cause qualifies? Schedule your FREE consultation and brief analysis directly with Dr. Farley TODAY
As a BONUS, receive one of Dr. Farley’s new eye-opening Ebooks sent directly to you!

We usually see positive results in 2 to 4 weeks! 

Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.

My laboratory has never had anything but an extremely professional and proficient relationship with Dr. Farley and his staff. I believe that in the future more patients will seek care that is based on root functional causes rather than just managing symptoms.

Anyone who uses Dr. Farley today is getting insight, care and a dependable trusting doctor that should be the standard in doctoring across the United States and abroad.

I hope that patients can open their minds to understanding these concepts and not dismiss them because their doctor doesn’t know about them. This healABILITY approach is an old and new evidence scientific based approach that frankly most doctors have absolutely no training in. Dr. Farley’s office is run like a fine hotel that provides excellent customer service. So not only will you get exceptional care, but you’ll also be treated with a kind, warm and dependable staff. This book can aid anyone in getting insight into Dr. Farley’s method of functional physiological based approach that has the potential to really help almost any condition. There are 30 key hidden root functional causes. Dr. Farley will help find which one of these 30 root functional causes are most important to correct for you to get well. Each person is unique in their physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.

Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD emphasizes how powerful Dr. Farley’s methods are and the impact they have.

Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD
Fellow in the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS, Diploma in Hospital Management, President of Sterling Clinical Laboratory Inc.

Every patient, doctor and family member should be exploring this question. Sadly, few do! Instead, most stay stubbornly focused on the question of: Am I feeling better from my current treatment; they don’t look to find actual functional root causes.

That’s what Dr. Farley has done in Creating healABILITY and his approach to chronic problems.

Most patients simply treat each symptom as if it was a separate problem and never look for the interconnection and influence of one system problem on another system problem. They view each area as a separate island. Dr. Farley has worked long and hard at his knowledge and precision to which he applies to each and every patient. A new patient’s evaluation and testing is much more complete than most doctors.

His ability to explain a complex problem in an easy understandable concept, which is healABILITY, is fantastic for patients in helping them understand and get well.

In New Jersey Dr. Farley is among the top offices utilizing Sterling Laboratory (my lab) for documenting and tracking patients starting point, improvements and progress. The panels Dr. Farley orders have all been chosen by him to create a full insider look at many complex symptoms, conditions and systems. He regularly does follow up testing that demonstrates significant changes for most patients. Dr. Farley also has many patients return from the general practitioners, endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease doctors that are totally blown away by the changes he routinely produces with his methods of care.

Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.

My laboratory has never had anything but an extremely professional and proficient relationship with Dr. Farley and his staff. I believe that in the future more patients will seek care that is based on root functional causes rather than just managing symptoms.

Anyone who uses Dr. Farley today is getting insight, care and a dependable trusting doctor that should be the standard in doctoring across the United States and abroad.

I hope that patients can open their minds to understanding these concepts and not dismiss them because their doctor doesn’t know about them. This healABILITY approach is an old and new evidence scientific based approach that frankly most doctors have absolutely no training in. Dr. Farley’s office is run like a fine hotel that provides excellent customer service. So not only will you get exceptional care, but you’ll also be treated with a kind, warm and dependable staff. This book can aid anyone in getting insight into Dr. Farley’s method of functional physiological based approach that has the potential to really help almost any condition. There are 30 key hidden root functional causes. Dr. Farley will help find which one of these 30 root functional causes are most important to correct for you to get well. Each person is unique in their physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.

Dr. Farley’s Neuro-Biomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”

Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.

Understanding The Science Behind Neuro-Biomedicine and Our Approach to Helping You Restore Proper Function… To Ultimately Help You Feel Better, Look Better, and Recover Your Health.

Dr. Farley’s Neuro-Biomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”

Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.

90% of all patients surveyed since 2015 experience positive results in just 2-4 weeks!
Would you like to know if your cause qualifies? Schedule your FREE consultation and brief analysis directly with Dr. Farley TODAY
As a BONUS, receive one of Dr. Farley’s new eye-opening Ebooks sent directly to you!