Is Dementia/Alzheimer’s slowly making you feel insecure, unsure and petrified of the future?
Are The Doctors Lying to You?
If you or a loved one is experiencing memory loss, brain fog, or cognitive decline, what I’m about to tell you could change everything.
I’ve seen this devastating disease firsthand. I’ve watched family members lose their minds, and I can tell you—most people do not have a real plan to stop it. They’re given a pill and sent on their way. But let me be clear: Drugs do NOT fix dementia or Alzheimer’s. At best, they might offer a slight improvement. At worst, they’re doing nothing while your brain continues to deteriorate.
The REAL Cost of Doing Nothing
Homeless, Broke, and Death!
Dementia and Alzheimer’s are already a $214 billion crisis in the U.S. and a $604 billion global problem. If you don’t act now, it will cost you—financially, emotionally, and physically. The average patient spends over $56,290 out of pocket, draining their savings while their condition worsens. You WILL pay for this disease one way or another—the question is, will you pay to fix it NOW or suffer the consequences later?
The Secret Causes Doctors Ignore
Untrained, Unqualified, Drug Pushers
Here’s what most doctors won’t tell you: Dementia is NOT just “genetic.” In fact, only 1% of cases are truly genetic. The other 99% are caused by lifestyle and environmental factors that can be identified and corrected.
Yet, medical doctors don’t look for these root causes. Instead, they wait until 85–90% of your brain is already damaged before they even diagnose you. By then, you’re handed a pill and told there’s nothing else they can do. That is NOT a plan. That is a death sentence.
Did you know? Sleep issues, mood disturbances, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, thyroid, constipation, acid reflux, and heart disturbances are all signs of early neurodegeneration?
You have three choices:
- The Conventional “Magic Pill” Model – Wait until it’s too late, take a drug that barely works, and hope for the best. Spoiler: This is why dementia is an epidemic. I’ve worked with over 8000+/- patients since 1995 and I can say with 100% certainty that the sickest patients I see are the ones that take the most drugs
- The “Alternative” Model – A step up, but still flawed. Many alternative doctors, chiropractors, and homeopaths treat the disease, not YOU. They give generic herbs or vitamins that may help a little but fail to identify and correct YOUR specific issues.
- The Neuro-Biomedicine Model (The Right Choice) – This is where we do things differently because everything is specific to you
Circling the drain? Tired of no results? Drugs, Drugs, Drugs…?
My Unique Approach: Personalized, Data-Driven, and PROVEN
I don’t guess—I test. I assess YOUR brain, YOUR body, and YOUR unique issues. Then, we build a custom strategy designed to:
- Identify and REMOVE the root causes of your cognitive decline
- Stabilize your brain function to prevent further damage
- Reverse as much brain dysfunction as possible
- Slow the disease progression to the slowest rate possible
This is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s a science-backed, personalized plan to protect and restore brain function. Remember, a diagnosis is merely a label for your symptoms—it doesn’t fix the problem or get to the root cause. Relying on it alone is a mistake that keeps you stuck without real solutions.
Take the First Step NOW
Every day you wait, your brain is deteriorating. You cannot afford to sit back and hope things get better. The earlier you act, the more brain function you can save.
Here’s what to do next: Click the link below or call now to schedule your consultation. We’ll assess your case, determine if you qualify, and map out the next steps to get you the best possible outcome. This opportunity is not for everyone. We only accept a limited number of patients who are serious about taking action. If that’s you—don’t hesitate.
Can you imagine if Dementia/Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative disease
could be improved, stopped or even possibly reversed?
CREATING healABILITY for Dementia/Alzheimers
& Neurodegenerative Diseases
Can you imagine if Dementia/Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative disease
could be improved, stopped or even possibly reversed?
CREATING healABILITY for Dementia/Alzheimers
& Neurodegenerative Diseases
CREATING healABILITY for Dementia/Alzheimers
& Neuro Degenerative Diseases
A Neuro-Biomedicine Functional Restoration Prescription Program
healABILITY: Preservation of health and wellness through the promotion of well-being prevention of disease, and promotion and support of the inherent or innate recuperative abilities of the body.
Dementia video by Dr. James F. Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS
Allostatic Stress, Neuro-Biomedicine Health System creates healABILITY
Find out if you will qualify now, stop suffering, you deserve to feel better!
Dr. James F. Farley, DC, BA, BS, MS, BCIM, FAAIM, FAIS
Dr. Farley’s Neuro-Biomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”
Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.
Dementia/Alzheimers Patient Testimonial
Stellla’s Memory
*Individual Results May Vary
Cassandra’s Memory Improvement
*Individual Results May Vary
*Individual Results May Vary
Balance, Memory and Weight Loss Success – Ray B., Attorney
*Individual Results May Vary
The 9 Secrets your doctor does not know that can stop your brain from being erased so you can hold on the lifes memory.
The 9 Secrets
#1 Anemia: I’ve found low grade anemia in almost 90% of cases I’ve run blood tests on. Anemia can be much more than simple iron anemia. If you doctor misses the other 2 most common types you cannot get well.
#2 Chronic Systemic Inflammation: Chronic inflammation has been shown to create chronic brain inflammation. The chronic brain inflammation over time destroys brain tissue. This needs to be a top priority and fast! Has your doctor run inflammation blood tests?
#3 Intoxication from Other Drugs/ Medicine: Many people are taking drug cocktails. Literally 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or more drugs all not being monitored for dangerous interactions. They all may deplete the liver’s ability to detoxify and can be a major source of mental decline.
#4 Autoimmune Reactions to the Brain: Have you been tested for an autoimmune attack on your brain? Sometimes for various reasons our immune system (80% is in our guts!) loses the ability to recognize our own cells and it attacks and destroys them. Most common autoimmune attackers are: thyroid, diabetes, cerebellum, and brain! You need to get tested for this.
#5 Chronic Methylation Issues: Methylation is a process of converting water soluble substances in the body/brain to fat soluble. If you’re a poor methylator your brain, nerves, immune system, and muscles will all breakdown.
#6 Stable Blood Sugar: No you do not need to be a full blown diabetic to have unstable blood sugar. If the blood sugar is not stable you cannot achieve good brain function.
#7 Lack of Activation: The brain requires constant physical stimulation and activation from the receptors located mainly in the skin, muscles, and joints. If areas in your body are not sending proper signals then through neuro-plasticity our brains decline and die.
#8 Thyroid Undiagnosed: Over 90% of thyroid cases are improperly misdiagnosed. Those cases have extremely negative influences on overall brain function and can create rapid decline.
Although Alzheimer’s in the most common cause of dementia, it cannot be properly diagnosed without an autopsy. We assume that if we find abnormalities in any of the above 8 areas we can be of help to stop the decline and in many cases completely reverse the process.
#9 Dementia/ Alzheimer’s and Genetics: Genetic mutations are said to be the cause of almost all allopathic medical diagnosis even when the scientific literature does NOT support this. The term epigenetics was coined by Dr. Conrad Waddington. The field of epigenetics was established first in the 1960’s by Dr. Joel Wallach. In 2003 it was later cemented in stone by an experiment using agouti mice created by Professor Randy Jirtle and his student Robert Waterland. The field of epigenetics has demonstrated, has clearly been proven scientifically from the human genome project that less than 5% of all diseases are genetic but 95% are epigenetic. This means you can identify, modify epigenetic factors, and change some function. You and I are NOT doomed by the degenerative genetic “theory” of disease. The epigenetic “science” of diseases has disproven this.
Our office has developed a Neuro-Biomedicine approach to document and identify all of your root functional cases that are creating low healABILITY. Once identified we have a plan of attack to raise healABILITY and improve brain function.
We usually see positive results in 2 to 4 weeks!
Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.
My laboratory has never had anything but an extremely professional and proficient relationship with Dr. Farley and his staff. I believe that in the future more patients will seek care that is based on root functional causes rather than just managing symptoms.
Anyone who uses Dr. Farley today is getting insight, care and a dependable trusting doctor that should be the standard in doctoring across the United States and abroad.
I hope that patients can open their minds to understanding these concepts and not dismiss them because their doctor doesn’t know about them. This healABILITY approach is an old and new evidence scientific based approach that frankly most doctors have absolutely no training in. Dr. Farley’s office is run like a fine hotel that provides excellent customer service. So not only will you get exceptional care, but you’ll also be treated with a kind, warm and dependable staff. This book can aid anyone in getting insight into Dr. Farley’s method of functional physiological based approach that has the potential to really help almost any condition. There are 30 key hidden root functional causes. Dr. Farley will help find which one of these 30 root functional causes are most important to correct for you to get well. Each person is unique in their physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.
Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD emphasizes how powerful Dr. Farley’s methods are and the impact they have.
Dr. Naveed Ashfaq MD
Fellow in the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS, Diploma in Hospital Management, President of Sterling Clinical Laboratory Inc.Every patient, doctor and family member should be exploring this question. Sadly, few do! Instead, most stay stubbornly focused on the question of: Am I feeling better from my current treatment; they don’t look to find actual functional root causes.
That’s what Dr. Farley has done in Creating healABILITY and his approach to chronic problems.
Most patients simply treat each symptom as if it was a separate problem and never look for the interconnection and influence of one system problem on another system problem. They view each area as a separate island. Dr. Farley has worked long and hard at his knowledge and precision to which he applies to each and every patient. A new patient’s evaluation and testing is much more complete than most doctors.
His ability to explain a complex problem in an easy understandable concept, which is healABILITY, is fantastic for patients in helping them understand and get well.
In New Jersey Dr. Farley is among the top offices utilizing Sterling Laboratory (my lab) for documenting and tracking patients starting point, improvements and progress. The panels Dr. Farley orders have all been chosen by him to create a full insider look at many complex symptoms, conditions and systems. He regularly does follow up testing that demonstrates significant changes for most patients. Dr. Farley also has many patients return from the general practitioners, endocrinologists, cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists and infectious disease doctors that are totally blown away by the changes he routinely produces with his methods of care.
Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.
My laboratory has never had anything but an extremely professional and proficient relationship with Dr. Farley and his staff. I believe that in the future more patients will seek care that is based on root functional causes rather than just managing symptoms.
Anyone who uses Dr. Farley today is getting insight, care and a dependable trusting doctor that should be the standard in doctoring across the United States and abroad.
I hope that patients can open their minds to understanding these concepts and not dismiss them because their doctor doesn’t know about them. This healABILITY approach is an old and new evidence scientific based approach that frankly most doctors have absolutely no training in. Dr. Farley’s office is run like a fine hotel that provides excellent customer service. So not only will you get exceptional care, but you’ll also be treated with a kind, warm and dependable staff. This book can aid anyone in getting insight into Dr. Farley’s method of functional physiological based approach that has the potential to really help almost any condition. There are 30 key hidden root functional causes. Dr. Farley will help find which one of these 30 root functional causes are most important to correct for you to get well. Each person is unique in their physiology and biochemistry. Dr. Farley is the leading expert in finding which 30 root functional causes are primary for you.
Dr. Farley’s Neuro-Biomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”
Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.
Understanding The Science Behind Neuro-Biomedicine and Our Approach to Helping You Restore Proper Function… To Ultimately Help You Feel Better, Look Better, and Recover Your Health.
Dr. Farley’s Neuro-Biomedicine Health System can easily be understood when applied to the science of Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine and Somatopsychic Medicine as described from the National Institutes of Health. Please to learn more about Translational Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine, Somatopsychic Medicine. Allopathic Medicine and even Integrative Medicine asks, “What’s the diagnosis”. Neuro-Biomedicine asks, “Why you are personally having this happen?”, and, “What are your specific multifactorial causes?”
Most doctor’s offices rely on outdated protocols that are 17-20 years behind the basic scientific research. The reason for this is lack of initiative by most doctors, and for medical legal reasons, they will not deviate from typical protocols even when they are outdated and produce terrible results for patients. The focus is not on the individual patient and their unique requirements, instead, the patient is literally pushed from office to office with the goal to just move the responsibility to another doctor or office (usually patients are given more and more drugs, by more and more doctors). We do not treat any disease, instead we focus on your functional neuro-metabolic deficits. We will fight for you and your health! We will provide new possibilities and potential for greater healABILITY, greater depth of understanding, more compassionate listening, and ultimately, superior results aimed at restoring proper function. This, in turn, can have profound and positive improvements for the patients that qualify.