Treatment of Hormonal Imbalance!

This video provides information on root causes of hormonal imbalance in males and females and what are the root causes and how the other issues in body can result in hormonal imbalance. This video describes the tests to detect the hormonal imbalance. Click to know more about hormonal imbalance treatment in NJ.

2022-02-11T10:08:29-05:00March 21st, 2019|Hormonal Imbalance, Videos|

Causes Of Cancer And Its Treatment With A Different Proven Approach

Looking at cancer as a metabolic disease, we can really start to find some answers, when your mitochondria gets damaged, your body starts to shift gears, when this happens and your genes start to change, in order for the cell to survive the environment, we determine what’s not working well in each individual person by [...]

2022-02-16T15:24:34-05:00March 14th, 2019|Cancer, Videos|

Neuro Biomedicine 3 Step Process

This is a 3 step process that involves proper testing, proper route cause functional diagnosis, which is not a medical diagnosis and proper treatment plans aimed at correcting the gears that were found to be off. The body then starts to work at a higher level and 90% of our patients report that they feel [...]

2022-02-11T10:22:59-05:00February 21st, 2019|Chronic Pain and Fatigue, Neuro Biomedicine, Videos|