The Brain’s Secret Superpower Neuroplasticity is defined as the brain's ability to adapt, change, and re-form connections. Neurodegeneration, refers to the progressive deterioration of brain and neuron function. In the following video, Dr Farley not only reviews the intricate relationship between neuroplasticity and neurodegeneration but also enlightens us on their pivotal role in overall health and function. [...]

Cassandra’s Journey- Patient Testimonial for Parkinson’s- Three Years Later The healing continues! After three years, Cassandra highlights some of the incredible improvements she has seen in her health and her life since beginning treatment at our office. The battle against Parkinson's is never an easy one, but with the help of Dr. Farley, she has overcome!

2023-10-31T14:15:04-04:00October 31st, 2023|New Testimonials, Parkinson's/Movement Disorders|

Donna T.

Donna T. Testimonial – Parkinsons I found out about Dr. Farley’s office by searching online. I am now on my fourth week of treatment. I started noticing results throughout my second and third week of treatment. I no longer feel as tired as I used to. I have more energy to sustain me through a [...]

2023-04-18T16:04:16-04:00August 2nd, 2022|Parkinson's/Movement Disorders|