In this video, Dr. Farley emphasizes the importance of addressing balance, walking, and falls, particularly in seniors, as falls are one of the leading cause of death and disability in those over 65. He highlights that 40% of seniors unknowingly have balance issues, often linked to nervous system dysfunction and neurodegeneration, which can also indicate risks for conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

The nervous system relies on three inputs for balance: vision, the inner ear, and proprioceptive receptors, with most issues stemming from the latter. Reduced input from these receptors, often due to injury, stress, or other factors, can lead to balance problems and further neurodegeneration. Dr. Farley underscores the need for thorough assessment and step-by-step intervention to improve balance, reduce fall risk, and address underlying causes. Proactive management can significantly enhance quality of life and prevent future health complications.